Travel advice and -vaccinations
Travel Doctor

Vaccinations for Bhutan.

Travel sickness Bhutan

Dengue fever
DTPRecommended for all travelers
Hepatitis ARecommended for all travelers
Hepatitis BFor stays > 3 months or for at-risk groups
Japanese EncephalitisRecommended for at-risk groups
RabiesHigh risk, possible infection of pets, vaccination recommended for at-risk groups
TBCHigh risk for tuberculosis. Mantoux test and / or BCG vaccination for at-risk groups is recommended
Traveler's Diarrhea
Typhoid feverRecommended for stays > 2 weeks
Yellow feverRequired, if travelling (stops) from areas where yellow fever is endemic
What is Dengue fever?
Dengue fever, otherwise known breakbone fever, is transmitted to humans by mosquitoes. In contrast to the malaria mosquito, this insect is also active during the day and in cities. Dengue fever does not usually present a serious health risk and the symptoms are fever, skin rash and headache. In rare cases, it can however be life-threatening. This only happens when the disease is contracted for the second, third or fourth time. There is no vaccination for Dengue fever, so it is important to protect yourself from mosquito bites by taking measures to repel mosquitoes.
What is DTP?
Diphtheria (infectious throat infection) is transmitted through the coughs and sneezes of patients who have the disease or by healthy people who carry the disease. Tetanus is caused by the Clostridium tetani bacteria, which is found in soil, and can cause an infection when contracted through wounds or cuts. Polio (infantile paralysis) is caused by a virus that is found in the stools of sick or convalescing people and that enters the environment, for example, in drinking water. The DTP vaccine is advised for almost every country and one vaccination provides protection for ten years, provided that you were immunised as a child. If you were not immunised as a child, you should go for vaccinations four to six weeks before your departure date, as multiple vaccinations will be required
What is Hepatitis A?
Inflammation of the liver caused by the hepatitis A virus. Infection occurs easily through consumption of contaminated water or food. Protection is possible through vaccination. Two vaccinations within one year provide at least 25 years of protection. Travellers are advised to be vaccinated against this disease for a great number of countries, including Turkey and Egypt.
What is Hepatitis B?
As with hepatitis A, this is a virus that causes inflammation of the liver. Infection occurs through blood contact or unprotected sexual activity. Around 400 million people are infected across the world. Many sufferers develop cancer of the liver in due course. Vaccination based on a schedule offers protection for ten years. Travellers are increasingly advised to have the hepatitis B vaccination. There is also a combination vaccine against hepatitis A and B.
What is Japanese Encephalitis?
Infection of the meninges caused by a virus transmitted by mosquitoes.
What is Malaria?
Malaria is a contagious disease with serious and sometimes fatal consequences. The most serious form is malaria tropica. The disease is transmitted by mosquito bite and the mosquitoes are active from sunset. To reduce the risk of contracting malaria, you should wear clothing that covers your body as much as possible after sunset. A mosquito net, possibly impregnated with mosquito repellent, will provide extra protection. DEET is also an effective mosquito repellent. The first symptoms of malaria resemble those of flu: achy muscles, fever and headache. Shortly after onset of the disease, the fever worsens and the patient starts to shake, experience diarrhoea and vomit. Diagnosis can be made with a simple blood test. The disease must be treated immediately in order to prevent disastrous consequences. But prevention is better than cure. A vaccination is being developed, but is not yet available. There are however various types of medication for preventing malaria. The right medication for you will depend on the purpose of your travel and the circumstances. Personal circumstances such as mental condition and pregnancy or the desire to have children also play a role in the decision.
What is STD?
People who have unprotected sexual contact are at high risk of contracting venereal diseases. Besides gonorrhoea and chlamydia, which we see increasing cases of here, hepatitis B and HIV also pose a great threat in many distant destinations. Condoms offer protection. A vaccination is available against hepatitis B.
What is TBC?
Tuberculosis risk
What is Traveler's Diarrhea?
Avoid stomach and intestinal infections by being critical about what you eat and drink. No ice cubes and ensure that any bottles you drink from are opened in your presence. Be careful with salads and try to avoid eating anything from roadside stalls. Ensure that food is heated well before consumption. An oral rehydration solution (ORS) can be an effective treatment for diarrhoea.
What is Typhoid fever?
The main characteristics of this disease are fever, flu-like symptoms and diarrhoea. Approximately fifty percent of suffers develop a pink rash. The disease is caused by a Salmonella bacteria, which is ingested through contaminated water and food. A single vaccination provides three years of protection.
What is Yellow fever?
Yellow fever is a viral disease that is transmitted by mosquitoes. A single vaccination provides effective protection for ten years. Vaccination is required in a large number of countries. A special stamp in a 'vaccination passport' serves as proof.

All advises given here are global. The final opinion is personal and will be further explained during the consultation.
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